Hi John, My name is Alessandra (called Sandy) from Italy. At first, sorry for my English! I’d like to tell you that you are my favorite illustrator ! I met you in Lucca comics & games in far 2005 during an interview of Ragno Magazine, do you remember? In that time, you draw me a […]
Hard to believe (I keep double-checking my calendar), but just last week, I was in Poland, guest of the wonderful Pyrkon gaming and media convention. Pyrkon is big – really big. 40,000 attendees big. It’s the largest such convention in Poland, by far, and this was my second trip there, thanks to my wonderful friends at Black […]
Yesterday, I signed around 40 pieces of original Munchkin card art for backers of Insane Charity Bike Ride 2016. The drawings are from Munchkin Fu: Guest Artist Edition I drew last year. If I do say so myself, I think they’re lovely. If you supported the charity ride at the $200 level or above (Or […]
Munchkin Shakespeare Art Notes … told by an idiot, full of ink and furry monsters, signifying an aching wrist…. Usually, when I get around to typing up the dreaded Art Notes for a Muchkin project, said project has been finished for months. Typically, I need to go back: to revisit the gig, to re-familiarize myself […]
Next week, Steve Jackson Games is launching a Kickstarter for Munchkin Shakespeare. I’m having a ton of fun with this one, guys. Also: I get to share some of the art with you, as I draw it! Normally, Munchkin projects don’t get announced for months, after all the files are in, and I have to sit […]
As the swag for the 2015 Insane Charity Bike ride was ridiculously slow in getting to people (completely my fault, for reasons I’ve touched on here before), I wanted to double-down, and make sure the swag for the 2016 event got out faster than ever before. And it looks like it’s on track to do […]
Gen Con: the best four days of not seeing even an eighth of the friends you’d love to have seen… Yup, Gen Con 2016 is in the books, and it was a wild, crazy, insane time, with huge crowds, giant lines, and a total lack of sleep. And that’s just fighting for a Delta flight home! Ba-dum-kshhhh! […]
I’m packing for Gen Con, and guess what’s going with me? ALL THE 2015 BIKE THE BARNS SWAG, to be handed off to David Michael, Fulfillment Guru of the Gods (and of me). It took a lot longer getting the swag out for last year’s ride than I’d hoped. Also, it’s pushed back fundraising for […]
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