Insane Charity Bike Ride 2018 – Do it for the Duck!

Here we go AGAIN, guys! Insane Charity Bike Ride 2018 is two months away. I need to get training! Also: I need your help! The Bike the Barns ride (what normal people call “Insane Charity Bike Ride”)  helps Madison’s FairShare CSA Coalition bring fresh food from local farms to low-income families in the Madison area. It’s an amazing local charity, […]


Hey, gang! Several updates, a few of which I should have gotten to weeks ago. Weeks, I tells ya! PATREON AND ON Next Wednesday marks the one-month anniversary of the Dork Tower Patreon’s launch. Frankly, it’s been an amazing few weeks. It certainly took me by surprise, particularly as we began smack-dab in the middle […]


Here we go again! It’s time for INSANE CHARITY BIKE RIDE 2017!  With your help and generosity, over the last four years, we’ve raised a lot of money, helping local families get healthy food direct from local farmers! This year my personal goal is to raise $12,500, celebrating five years of this biking goofiness, and […]

Insane Charity Bike Ride 2016 SWAG UPDATE!

As the swag for the 2015 Insane Charity Bike ride was ridiculously slow in getting to people (completely my fault, for reasons I’ve touched on here before), I wanted to double-down, and make sure the swag for the 2016 event got out faster than ever before. And it looks like it’s on track to do […]


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