DORKSTOCK 2017 – It begins!

Apparently Gameholecon is now a de-facto four-day convention, which means Dorkstock is, as well.

Last night saw the usual fabulous reception for convention guests, and afterwards, we all got to play a little True Dungeon. Driving to the Alliant Energy Center parking lot, I was surprised how many cars were already there – you know, for a non-convention Thursday night.

Turns out, there was such demand, Gamehole Con opened up some of the halls, for open gaming. And it was already bustling!

I saw the Dorkstock/Loony Labs area, and wow, it’s a LOT bigger than Dorkstock’s ever been before. Nancy Hutchins and John “Shadowcat” Ickes have put together an amazing lineup of events, far more than Dorkstock’s ever seen in the past.

My own personal schedule looks something like this:

FRIDAY (today, slackers!)
12 Noon – Dorkstock Opening (Mendota 5)
7 pm – “What’s New with Munchkin and Dork Tower?”
10 pm – Cash ‘n Guns Midnight Madness(Mendota 5)

1 pm Igor Bar Bake-Off
6 pm Celebrity D&D Extra Life Live Streaming Event (Kegonsa 192)

10 am Munchkin Tournament Final Round
12 Noon Cash ‘n Guns Showdown at Noon

That seems light, but much of the time I’m not actually running things, I’ll just be hanging out at the Dorkstock/Loony Labs area, playing a ton of games. GAMES! I know, right?

Anyway this is me, rushing off to grab some prizes, then make it back to Gamehole Con for the Dorkstock opening.

By the way, we have our first Mimic sightings, and they look GREAT!


See you there!



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