

Right. Of COURSE Society6 would run a huge sale while I’m in Europe, unable to get the word out as best I can. THOSE MONSTERS!

But no really – this is a pretty big deal,

From now until Midnight, Pacific Standard Time, everything at the Dork Store is $5 off, with FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING!


So, in all honesty, this makes the mugs a pretty darned good deal, at $10 each, free worldwide shipping. ARE YOU LISTENING, WORLD?

JUST the thing to get you through NaNoWriMo!
JUST the thing to get you through NaNoWriMo!

And the T-shirts become $17 each, free shipping. And there’s lots of other nifty things! I’m a fan of the tote bags and note cards in particular. (Though I may be biased here).

You have to use the links in this post, I believe. Also, the $5 is taken off as you check out, so you won’t see the sale price until the end.

Not gonna lie – Society6 does some really high-quality stuff. The prints are spectacular, and they ship stuff quickly. I’m pretty sure Dark Magiks are involved.

ANYWAY, in bold and ital, with some caps for emphasis – EVERYTHING at the Dork Store is $5 off, with FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING!

— John


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