Dork Tower Covers

Corsair Publishing
July 1998
Cover by John Kovalic

Corsair Publishing
October 1998
Cover by John Kovalic

Corsair Publishing
January 1999
Cover by John Kovalic

Corsair Publishing
May 1999
Cover by John Kovalic

Corsair Publishing
July 1999
Cover by John Kovalic

Corsair Publishing
October 1999
Cover by John Kovalic

Corsair Publishing
January 2000
Cover by John Kovalic

Corsair Publishing
March 2000
Cover by John Kovalic

Dork Storm Press
May 2000
Cover by Dave Sim and John Kovalic

Dork Storm Press
July 2000
Cover by John Kovalic

Dork Storm Press
September 2000
Cover by Reed and
John Kovalic

Dork Storm Press
November 2000
Cover by Raven Mimura

Dork Storm Press
Cover by Aaron Williams

Dork Storm Press
Cover by John Kovalic

Dork Storm Press
Cover by John Kovalic

Dork Storm Press
Cover by John Kovalic and Greg Hyland

Dork Storm Press
Alternate Cover by Scott Kurtz (1 of 2)

Dork Storm Press
Cover by John Kovalic

Dork Storm Press
Cover by John Kovalic

Dork Storm Press
Cover by John Kovalic

Dork Storm Press
Cover by Steve Sack
Covers That Didn’t Make It

At the last minute, I just decided a Star Wars parody cover would work better. (I also knew that the phrase “The Fandom Menace” would probably be used quite a bit, and I just wanted to be the first on the block).

I drew this cover in Los Angeles following the San Diego Comicon, 1999. I was just never really happy with it. I think the final version is much more elegant. This drawing *did* end up on the Christmas 1999 cover of the Comic Shop News, however.