There’s some long-awaited good news on the backer rewards front, but first…
Today is “Thank You Patrons” Day, which I suppose is the “Talk Like A Pirate” day of crowdfunding.
It’s been a bit of a down week, for me. Some professional disappointments, a family loss. I like to think I never take my Patron backers for granted, but boy, did this week pummel home just how deeply grateful I am, for their support.
As a show of my deep gratitude, today I’m offering all Patreon and Kickstarter backers a free “Your Dice Really Do Hate You” poster. All you need to pay for is postage!
Seriously – free! If you’re a backer, just go to the Dork Tower Patreon Page to find out how you get yours!
That’s all you need do
THANK YOU SO MUCH! You let me keep making Dork Tower, and I just don’t have the words to express my gratitude.
OK. Before I get all weepy now, here’s some more good news:
We’re finally getting back on track with the collector cards!
Our old printer quit on us, so Sales Guru David Michael had to find a new one. The first batch came in last week, and…
…they were terrible. Just awful. A miscommunication about trim sizes was the culprit, but these could NOT go out. I mean, lookit:
After botching the last two Series One cards, I wanted these to be right. So they had to be re-done.
On the plus side, Everybody loved the “Pardon Our Mess” sketch I posted on the Patreon page last week, and given all the collector card hassles we’ve had, I thought that would be a WILDLY appropriate image to launch Series Two with.
The delay caused by the mis-print let me do just that. And the cards arrived today:
So today and tomorrow I am going to be signing a ton of cards, along with the Autumn-time Funtime postcard. These will be going out to all Matt- and Gilly-level backers. The collector cards usually wouldn’t go to Matt-level backers, but as this is the start of a new series, I thought, “what a great way to thank folks for their patience.”
Also, Gilly-level backers will be getting either Matt of Gilly magnets this shipment, again, to thank you for your patience. And there will be a variety of stickers, buttons, and bookmarks that will be stuffed into the shipments, as well.
October and November collector cards will probably ship together, and then December collector cards should go out with the Holiday Cards. I’m working on those now.
As usual, several backers at other levels will be selected randomly by David Michael, to get some loot, as well.
Anyway, I’m so glad the kinks have been worked out of the Collector Card mess.
Now, go order yourself a free poster!
You have no idea how much I appreciate you!
– John