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(IMPORTANT NOTE: currently, all three slots are now claimed, two are paid for, one is reserved for 24 hours, pending payment).

My annual Insane Charity Bike Ride is, frankly, quite Munchkin-centric to begin with, what with me (potentially) riding with a Duck of Doom on my helmet. And what with pretty much everyone who donates receiving a signed, limited edition Munchkin Charity Postcard, which lets you start a game of Munchkin at Level Three.

But here’s our scheme for Insane Charity Bike Ride 2016:

Donate $2,000 to support my ride, and…


Yup – do good, REAL good, and you get to become an actual, full-playable, official Munchkin card!

You also get 100 copies of the card, as well as the original art for the card (suitable for framing or wrapping fish).

You also get EVERYTHING else from the lower pledge levels. Currently, this includes:

  • A Guest Appearance in the DORK TOWER comic strip, and the original art from the strip.
  • Another ORIGINAL PIECE OF MUNCHKIN CARD ART. This is the only way you can get original Munchkin art: I don’t sell it. And this is in addition to the original card art from YOU card.
  • The limited edition Tour De Duck cloisonné pin, as well as the Army of Darkness Sergeant and Private pins!
  • The Pat Rothfuss Tour De Duck limerick mini-print, signed by both Pat and myself.
  • The Munchkin Charity Postcard, designed specifically for this year’s ride, signed by me.
  • A PDF of both charity coloring books (“Embrace the Squee” and “There Once Was a Mallard Named Mike”). These will include limericks created for the ride, by Neil Gaiman, Pat Rothfuss, and others, that I’ve illustrated.
  • You’ll be one of the monsters forcing me to wear a duck on my head during a ridiculously long bike ride. That alone? Worth it!

More will possibly be added. More often is, on these things…

Just to reiterate, pledging at this level will get you three pieces of original art – the one from your card, the one from your Dork Tower appearance, and one from another Munchkin card.

You can pledge individually, or get a group of two to four people to share the cost, and be on the card together (though you’ll have to fight over the original art). But here’s the thing:


Once three people (or groups of people) have pledged, that’s it for this year. Maybe we’ll do it again next year, if it’s successful.Who knows?

Some caveats:

  • Steve Jackson Games will design the card mechanics. We’d be happy to have your input (“I want to be a cat-girl”), but no promises.
  • The cards will be officially produced and released through Steve Jackson Games – we’re not exactly sure when (Munchkin printings are scheduled months and months in advance) – but you’ll get the original art well before then. I’d like to send the pieces out by Christmas, should you want a unique present for THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE hint hint hint.
  • In agreeing to be a Munchkin card, you also agree to the fact that the card with your likeness will be given out by Steve Jackson Games at conventions around the country – and possibly the world. You’ll be Munckin famous. You’re OK with that, right?
  • You have to send me a message (click on this ‘ol link here) before you donate, so that I can conform there are still spots left for this. If by some chance you already donated $2,000 and all three spots were already taken, your donation is refundable.

I think that’s it.

Appearing on a Munchkin card has gone for as much as $4,000 at live auctions, so while $2,000 ain’t cheap, we think you’ll agree this is worth it.

Oh, yes – your pledge to the Fair Share coalition will be fully tax-deductible in the US, as a charitable donation. (Not sure how the rest of the world deals with this – that’s up to you to suss out).

Obviously, this is not a small amount of money. But there are lots of other cool levels to help support Insane Charity Bike Ride 2016, and any little bit helps! Every single donation gets some level of swag, and I often end up sending more things than promised.  But really, even just spreading the word is really thoughtful, and helps a ton!

Play nicely, kids, and always Do Good Things!

– John



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