

So I’ve been looking over my Gen Con commitments, and apparently the only time I’ll have to walk the floor is 2015.

My schedule filled up quickly, in part because eight games and game supplements I worked on are being released between now and the end of Summer.

(Yes, eight. Look, I kinda went crazy between Business Manager Magic Monica leaving, and Business Manager Awesome Alex arriving. Life’s back to sanity, again).

Of course, there’ll be Munchkin goodies there, lots and LOTS of Munchkin goodies. I won’t be hosting a dinner at the Munchkin Tavern, this year, but I do hope to be hanging out there a bit, after-hours.

If you want to catch me, and get me to sign anything, here’s where I’m actually scheduled to be:

THURSDAY, August 14
10 am – 11 am Asmodee Booth
2 pm – 3 pm Steve Jackson Games (Booth 1401) 

FRIDAY, August 15
10 am – 11 am Asmodee Booth
2 pm – 3 pm Steve Jackson Games (Booth 1401)

SATURDAY, August 16
10 am – 11 am Asmodee Booth
2 pm – 3 pm Steve Jackson Games (Booth 1401)

I’ll also be demoing ROFL! and Double Feature at the Cryptozoic booth when I have gaps in my schedule, and hope to pop up at the Steve Jackson Games booth, the Munchkin Tavern, and the Asmodee booth at other non-scheduled times. I’m also crossing my fingers to slot a Fireside Game signing in there, somewhere, along with Out of the Box Games. But no promises just yet…

I won’t be at the show Sunday.

I’m not on any panels. Frankly, I never am. I’m never organized enough to get up the gumption and plan such things far in advance.

Everything else is meetings and interviews and such work-like activities.

I miss the days when I could play a ton of games, goof around, and just hang out with friends, at Gen Con. But that’s kind of a First World Cartoonist Problem. So what if I don’t have time for the Cthulhu Open, or Living Dungeon? I’m making a living at something I love, which makes me a pretty lucky guy.

So stop by, if you’d like me to sign something!

With so many releases in the next month or two, there’ll be lots to choose from.


GRAPH-IC VIOLENCE: When I have time, I’ll re-do these graphs from yesterday’s Dork Tower, with TIME as the horizontal axis. So as not to hurt people’s brains.

Today is not that day, though.

Yes, I really do know how graphs work, as my Economics Degree should attest. I just wan’t thinking…

— John


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