Origins 2014 Update MY GOD IT’S FULL OF GAMES!


OriginsGood GRIEF, guys, Origins is just crazy this year. Such tremendous fun So many signings! Seeing so many old friends again!

This is a hugely-higgledy-piggledy rushed update to let folks know my schedule for the next couple of days:

THURSDAY, June 12:

I’ll be the Guest of Honor at the  Munchkin Tavern at the Crowne Plaza, at 7 pm. Ie in a few minutes from now EEEP!

FRIDAY, June 13

  • 11 am – noon  CRYPTOZOIC (Booth #D201), where I’ll be playing and demoing and signing ROFL! along with Double Feature, WHICH IS THE BEST MOVIE GAME EVAR, guys! And if you wanna vote for ROFL! for the Origins Award , I may just love you forever! But bring anything you want along.
  • 1-3 pm STEVE JACKSON GAMES (Booth #201), Today’s signing was insane. I expect Friday’s to be insane-ier! Bring anything you want. I’ll sign three things, at which point you can get in line again, and I’ll sign three more, repeat until signing time ends.




  • Afternoon time TBD 9th LEVEL GAMES (Booth #732), ALL HAIL KING TORG! Let’s say for the sake of argument I’ll be here at 5 pm, though I haven’t really talked to Dan and Chris about this yet.


At this point, I’m looking at



I won’t be around on Sunday, leaving early in the morning to be home for Father’s Day

And now, some snapshots from a wonderful, exhausting Day 1 or Origins 2014:

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           — John


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