Gerry Anderson, RIP


Gerry Anderson passed away, today, according to the Guardian. He was 83 years old.

A 1970s Thunderbird 2 Dinky was one of my favorite toys, ever.

I mean, seriously, yes: Thunderbirds; UFO; Captain Scarlet; Stingray; et al.

But that toy…that toy…to me, Thunderbird 2 was as beautiful as a Spitfire, or a Mustang. It was a point where my 10-year-old self had a quasi-realization that Design matters.

Gerry Anderson brought many fine things into this world.

One of them was a little toy, that may have changed my worldview.

Farewell, Gerry Anderson. I can think of no better thing to post, in tribute, than the Thunderbirds theme, performed by the Royal Marines (which ended “Thunderbirds Are Go”). If the embedded link doesn’t work, you can find the clip by clicking here.



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