MUSKRAT RAMBLINGS, September 2, 2010

Muskrat Ramblings
posted by John

I’ll be at GEEK.KON this weekend, and yes, it is a bit sad when it’s a big deal (for me, anyway), that I’m appearing at even a local convention anymore. But apart from Dorkstock/Rock-Con, I believe this is my last show of the year. But, you know, kid and all…

Geek.Kon is Madison Wisconsin’s very own anime convention, sci-fi convention, and gaming convention all rolled into one! Geek.Kon is a place to celebrate all that is geeky. Especially if you can’t mke it to Dragon*Con or PAX. I’ve always heard great things about the show, but I’ve never been able to make it, so I’m truly excited to be a guest there, and check it out first-hand.

Anyway, here’s where I’ll be:

Day/Time Panel Name
2:00pm-3:00pm Opening Ceremonies
6:00pm-7:00pm Game Creation
8:30pm-9:30pm Comic Books vs. Web Strips vs. Syndication

12:00pm-1:00pm Game Publishing
2:00pm-3:00pm Writing Panel
3:00pm-4:00pm Autograph Session

4:00pm-5:00pm Closing Ceremonies

I think there are a couple of charity game events scattered around here, too…as well as a ton of other goodness at the show.

Not only that: a lot of these will be appearances with great friends of mine. In fact, almost the entire guest-list is a who’s who of folks I like to go out drinking with. So there will also probably be drinking involved.

I’ll be trying to get some games in as well: I’ll have quite a few with me, and will be particularly interested in playtesting a new game I came up with: the party game formerly known as ROFL!, now tentatively titled “What The Fraze?” But there will also be Munchkin and Apples to Apples involved, as well as a new Cineplexity variation I’m eager to try out.

Geek.Kon is located at:

1313 John Q. Hammons Drive
Middleton, Wisconsin 53562

Phone: (608) 831-2000
Fax: (608) 831-2040

Registration runs thusly:

Weekend $30
Day Pass (Friday, Sunday) $15
Day Pass (Saturday) $20

Adult must remain with child
5 and under Free with paying adult
6 – 12 $15 with paying adult

Hope to see you there!


Some photos from the Pegasus Games 30th Birthday event (shots courtesy of James Nettum):

I photobomb a Steve Jackson photo-op.


The CINEPLEXITY guys and I scheme. The scheming was good.


Scheming, from a distance.

Distant Scheming

Staff and friends of Pegasus Games. NOTE TO SELF: don’t start chewing Japanese wasabi peas moments before a photo.


Arcadia Katzenberger gets Munchkin-ized.


The lines were LONG, the crowd was awesome, nd there WAS cake! Thanks, Pegasus! Here’s to the next 30!


I’m thinking of starting a Twitter/Web-based crowd-sourced downloadable negotiable certificate for inappropriate touching and fondling that can be printed and redeemed as needed.

It shall be called GROPON.

Yer bestest pal forever,

====== John


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