Technical Difficulties…

OK, a couple big things happened last week, not least of which was a hard drive crash on my laptop.

Between that and the blizzard that hit the midwest, it essentially wiped out another work week.

Fortunately, it seems (fingers crossed) as if all of my data was backed up. But getting everything back on the machine’s new hard drive has been a bit – shall we say “entertaining.” Not least because the new hard drive came loaded with a new operating system, and many of my old discs re still in boxes somewhere from the move.

I *hope* to have new strips up and running by this coming Friday, Dec. 18, Monday, December 21 at the latest.

On the plus side, there’ll be some news about something that’ll soon make sure web site problems, etc., etc., are – if not a thing of the past – at least far more infrequent. There’ll be other big news as well. I’ll probably pst that this coming Thursday.

For the moment, it’s been incredibly frustrating, and I’d like to apologize for the ups and downs (mostly downs) of the web site this month. In 2010, I hope that the thrice-weekly schedule of comic strips will be hit, and hit regularly and well.

On the other hand, I’m not a kid in Darfur, so I really can’t complain too much about anything…

Also at the start of the year, some more big news, about what’s going on with everything: the Dork Tower comic strips; Dr. Blink comics and more; the Dork Tower comic books; My Little Cthulhu; Mythos Buddies; Munchkin; Out of the Box Games; the Dork Tower puppet project; where my mind’s at; and so on. Kind of a State of the Cartoonist address. I’m working that up now to post New Year’s Day. It ma need to be broken into a few parts.

In the meantime, thank you SO much for your patience these last few weeks. Please check back in lter in the week, when I hope things will be starting to run a bit more smoothly. I’m working on making everything sharper, smoother, faster and better at


PS – please excuse any typos. I’ve got to run off for a plane, and don’t have time to proof this in my usual haphazard way…



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