Guest Cartoonist Alina Pete

I’d like to offer absolutely huge thanks Weregeek’s Alina Pete for this week’s guest strips here at

Last Thursday, the Lovely and talented Judith, Louisa (henceforth known as “the Bean”) and I moved house. Since Chez Muskrat was the house I’ve occupied for the last 20 years (the last 15 of them with Judith; the last ten months with Judith and the Bean), this was no mean feat. The word “Detritus” came up more than once. Frankly, I’m still exhausted.

Fortunately, a couple of months ago, I was at MisCon, where I was lucky enough to be on a couple of panels with Alina – a great cartoonist who hails from Canadialand. Even more fortunately, she also turned out to be a really great person, and offered to do a week’s worth of strips to help give me a bit of a break during this period of home upheaval.

I love watching other cartoonists take on Dork Tower, and the best of them – amongst whom Alina is one – give me fresh insight into the lives of characters I’ve known for these last dozen years (Carson, of course, for these last thirty).

So flock to, follow her on Twitter at @alinapete, and heap praises and thanks upon Alina. She deserves it. She not only came up with some fab, fun Dork Towers (to say nothing of her own world of Weregeek), she’s helped save my sanity this week.

– John


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