Kitten Saga, Day IV

And, speaking of kittens…

People who’ve been interested in the kittens have asked us what they look like.

“OMG, they are SO cute,” is the standard answer.

“You mean. like, ugly cute?” comes the response, which always puzzles us.

No, like Kitten Calendar cute. Kitty Kitty has always had hella-cute kittens, and the current menagerie is no different. Though these pics were taken in low-light, I think the general unbearable stunningness of Trey, Gris, Blaze and Arancini kinda comes through. And, much like Kitty Kitty’s previous kittens, they all have great personalities, and have taken to people immediately.

Trey, who’s becoming a real Love Sponge of a kitten. He even prefers companionship to food!

Blaze, Gris (pronounced “Gree” – french for “Grey”) and two doomed toy mice.

“Now I haz you!”

“I haz deaded it!”

Arancini and Trey. Though he’s the smallest, Trey gives as good as he gets.

Blaze, so named because of the spot on his nose.

Gris. “I baked you a cookie, but I eated it.”

Doom (aka Blaze) comes to Toy Mouse Town.

Blaze, Gris, Arancini and said doomed toy mouse.

Blaze and Trey.

The menagerie. It’s just more cuteness than any one person could stand!

Gris. “I will love him and pet him and call him George…”

Gris, ducking from Galactus.

…and a closeup, just ‘cuz…

Arancini, who we believe to be the only boy in the litter.

Trey, sneaking up on,well, anything

Blaze, trying to make it “go.”

Gris and Arancini, underneath the Celestron 8″ telescope.
Can you tell we put them up in the hobby room?

Trey and yet another toy mouse.

The Jacob’s Biscuits box behind Trey actually houses many Games Workshop paints…

Gris, Judith’s foot and my foot.

Aieeeee! Not Cosmic Tummy Rub! I iz helpless!

Despite what it looks like, Arancini is NOT being crushed, but had crawled beneath the sewing machine.

Free at last!

Arancini and Gris just seem to go together, y’know?



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