Friday Afternoon Mish-Mash

I’m happy to report I finished the last of the Munchkin Cthulhu II: Call of Cowthulhu art today, and I’m WAY happy with how it turned off. From a purely personal perspective, some of the cards here are amongst those I’d count as my best work. I’m as happy with these as anything I’ve done.

In general, as far as the game goes, there’s some fun new twists that’ll add to the Munchkin Cthulhu experience. I think folks’ll have a ton of fun with this addition. And some of the puns will just make people squirm, in either pain, delight or both. 🙂

I’ll post some art samples on my blog Monday. There’s a little art on the game’s home page. Can anyone guess the names of the three cards already up?

Ia! Ia!

With luck, it should be a GenCon release. Looks like we’ve hit all our deadlines with a little time to spare.


What with the whole adoption thing, I’m feeling the need to stay close to home and be with Judith again this summer, and wind down a bit. So, no GenCon, no Origins and no San Diego Comicon. Sorry.

I’ll miss everyone, so make sure some beers on the big bar on two are hoisted, and I’ll be thinking of you all.


We’ve got one new addition to the family: Doozer Cat.

He’s about eight months old now, and is a total love sponge of a cat.

Long story about how we got him. Short story: he was born outside the house, and we brought him in a couple of months ago.

Full story next week sometime.


The Madison Mallards asked me to do a cartoon for their 2007 program.

Done. Their reply: “Spectacular.”




Sorry about the lack of ‘toons this week. Big story behind THAT, too.

New Dork Towers Monday.


Big thunderstorm rolling in. Going offline now.



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