The Cineplexity Life

A couple of hellacool online developments.

The first is that Out of the Box just put up an online Cineplexity Demo.

As if we didn’t need MORE ways to waste time online.

It’s terrific fun. I just linked “Dysfunctional Family” with “Is or Has a Sequel” using “Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith.”

It can be played solo, or with co-workers looking over your shoulder. Not that I’d ever suggest anyone do that. Nope. Uh-uh. That would be wrong of me.

CLICK HERE and head on over to engage in a new Interwebs Time-Suck, courtesy of the mad geniuses behind the brillliant Cineplexity.


The Association of American Editorial Cartoonists website is now faster and better than ever.

The new server is just zipping along, and it’s great to have the day’s edit cartoons snapping past.

Plus, I was buoyed by the news that Keith Knight just joined the AAEC, and I can now catch his ‘toons there, as well.


David Reddick’s last (for now, anyway) guest Dork Tower is up.

Like the three that have gone before it, I think it’s just gerat. David really captured the spirit of the gang, and came up with a series of ‘toons that frankly I wish I had thought of.

Catch David’s great work every week over at’s The Trek Life, or simply cruise by David Reddick Studio to take in all his really great work. It’s – did I mention? – great.

Massive props to Dave for not just helping out, but coming up with some hilarious, super ‘toons that – did I mention? – I wish I’d thought of first while doing so!


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