So it goes…

This cartoon (the one after the jump) won’t be running on the web site until tomorrow.

Please consider it a too-small “thank you” to everyone who’s helped Judith and me get through the last two days. Losing two personal heroes as well this week just makes me appreciate what they gave me that much more, and what you’ve all managed to give me, and what I have.

(As I noted earlier, Johnny Hart’s work was once great and ground-breaking, and a huge influence on me when I was in school. Only Schulz was a larger influence on my cartooning. BC in the 60s and 70s was, to my eyes, simply one of the best comic strips created, and no matter how sad I thought the last two decades were for his work, he’ll always remain a giant in my eyes. Vonnegut, on the other hand, remained a giant to me throughout his life, and one cherished possession is an autographed copy of “Hocus Pocus” my parents got for me.)

Now, this next bit is important: I won’t be posting any more on the adoption. If you run into me at a con, please don’t ask about it. If I feel like talking about it, I will.

I’m going to see if I can’t keep an eye on Louisa, at least…try and send money to the orphanage from time to time. Maybe start up a small charity or something…we’ll see. But right now, I’ve got some wounds to lick, and a better state of mind to reach. I need to be intensly private for a while, mostly for my own sanity, and to make sure I’m there for Judith as well.

As I told some friends earlier today, I’ve been pretty goddamned lucky my whole life, blessed with good friends, with work I adore, with a great family and with a wife who’s both strong and wonderful, the love of my life and the best friend I could ever hope for. And I’ve always been thankful for the kindness and thoughtfulness of my readers. I’ve been given so very much more than someone like me really has any right to expect. But yet, this hurts.

Everybody’s very kind words and wishes and thoughts and prayers, many of which had me in tears all over again, were so very deeply appreciated.

But one set of breaking hearts is enough. So do something fun tonight, and do something kind for someone out of the blue, and celebrate life for us. Seriously.

And never forget you’ve all helped me get through this thing.

Whatever it is.

I can’t thank you enough.



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