Small unfortunate news about Dorkstock/Rock-Con: I’ve so much work to do right now, along with a friend’s fifth wedding anniversary, AND another friend who gave birth at 6 am this morning, that I may not make it down today.

I will be there tomorrow and Sunday (leading once more to the ever-popular “What Time Will John Show Up” pool).

But now the good news:

The Cineplexity Prototype is in my hands and ready for Dorkstock! This will be the first (and last) Cineplexity Tournament played with a full prototype!

Steve Jackson Games is sending down a Munchkin Impossible prototype deck, with all the illustrations on it! So take part in the first-ever Munchkin Imp[ossible tourney. PLUS, the winner of THIS tournament is getting the deck!

The Blink Bounty Buttons should be arriving this morning. I’m really excited about this tourney format!

Can’t hardly wait.



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