Speaking of…

Dork Tower #34 and Dr. Blink #3 are IN DA HOUSE!

They should be in some stores next Wednesday, most stores the Wednesday after that, and all stores the week after.

Bug your Friendly Local Games and/or Comics stores to get ’em in now, if you should so feel like it. It’d be much appreciated, and both are stand-alone issues making ’em great points to jump in at!

Pretty pretty please?



Speaking of Friendly Neighborhood Games and/or Comic Stores…

Boston/Cambridge’s Pandemonium Games And Books is having a Grand Opening Celebration this weekend for their new location.

Cool bonus: the always-fabulous Esther Friesner will be on hand, as Guest of Honor, signing pretty much everything she’s ever done, but particularly her new book, “Temping Fates,” which I can’t wait to read.

Anyhoo, the new Pandemonium location is:

Pandemonium Books & Games, Inc
4 Pleasant Street Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 547-3721 (617) 547-3829 fax

Stop by, and tell them I said “hi!”


Speaking of saying “hi…”

OK…The folks who donated to $100 to the Scott Bateman 365 project need to contact me again for your swag.

I think I’ve got everybody’s info, but I want to make sure I don’t miss anyone.


Speaking of missing anyone…

World cup: watched the England game downtown, with the Lovely and Talented Judith, her co-workers, and about 30 other folts at State Street Brats.

My man Gerrard (picked up his Jersey and was wearing it) did my faith in him proud.

Actually, the reason I got his jersey was they had no Ashley Coles left, and I liked the idea of wearing a number 4 England Jersey deep in the heart of Packer country.

Don’t tell him.


Speaking of the number 4…

Thanks to a four-game losing streak, ther Madison Mallards are 7-7 on the season, but only three games out of first place.

Here’s hoping for a two-game sweep of Brainard, as the Mallards return home for a couple of days.



Speaking of t-shirt designs I did for someone three years ago…

Here’s a T-shirt design I did for someone three years ago.

Problem is, I forget who.

And I never got a copy of the t-shirt.

I’d really like one, should anyone know more about who I did this for, or if it was used…



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