I spent much of the Memorial Day holiday here in the States working on Munchkin Impossible, which I am now calling Deadline Impossible, as we’ve just learned that this is needed for a GenCon release. But I think I’ll have the art done in time.

Of course, I’d hoped for a bit of a break, after finishing Mag*Blast, and sending Dr. Blink #3 and Dork Tower #34 to press.

Go Team Muskrat! Go Team Blink! Go…to your local games and comic stores, and order your copies now! (I’m not a big one on being overly self-satisfied – or generally even pleased – with my own work, but I honestly am proud of Dork Tower #34. I can’t wait to hear what folks have to say about it).

In the meantime, it’s been in the 90’s here in Wisconsin, and utterly sweltering. I forget what that is in Centigrade. In the mid-30s, I believe, which has never seemed as impressive, and could be a main reason that the Farenheit scale has held tenaciously on, after all these years. Well, that plus the fact that most Americans welcome change about as eagerly as much of Central Europe welcomed the Mongols…

On the plus side, we have air conditioning.

On the minus side, something presumably rodent-based died in one of our air ducts.

So until we get someone in to clean out our air system, the air stays off.

And it’s sweltering. Did I mention that?

The thunderstorm hovering over us may drive the temperatures down, from ridiculous to merely hilarious.

In the meantime, it looks like I’ll be taking my draining paper and pens to somewhere one won’t break a Burmese Rainforest-like sweat simply sharpening a pencil.

I believe Steve Jackson is somewhere in Australia now. Or perhaps it’s Neil Gaiman I’m thinking of. I know he was just there. Could be I’m imagining it all, and have Australia on my mind because I just finished my last pack of Cheese Twisties. But isn’t it starting to cool off there? What’s winter in Australia like? Anyone wanna fly me down there, to check it out for myself?

Looks around. Not a sausage.


Day after tomorrow marks the start of the Madison Mallards 2006 season.

All I have to do is last until then…


Oh…yeah…did I mention I got Dr. Blink #3 and Dork Tower #34 to press?

Oh. Right. I did.


In the meantime, here’s another British Agent, and the Assassin Bug, from Munchkin Impossible.


Path of the Bold, the Origins Award-winning Silver Age Sentinels short fiction collection I contributed to, just got a great write-up over at The SF Site.

It made my day to read this:

“A special mention must be made for John Kovalic, who in “SF” gives us a character that cleverly works out the commercial potential for the one thing a world filled with metahumans does not have.”

I try (try) not to be someone whose day is made or ruined by a review, but it meant a lot to me to get that story in there. I’d like to do more writing (because, you know, it pays so VERY well…), and that sort of affirmation is a charming thing to get before lunchtime…

This also made me grin:

“In some ways it is the antithesis of the works by artists who would be writers. Except, where such efforts usually stumble due to the artists lack of ability with words, the writers here are all able to paint fantastic pictures for the mind’s eye.”

Would-be writer guy signing off, for now…



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