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Tower #33 should be in most stores now.

Dork Tower #34 and Dr. Blink #3 are at press, too.

Huzzah, huzzah!

Can’t wait for DT 34, either…one of my VERY favorites…PLUS, more Koboldy goodness!


More Out of the Box Games winning more awards…

Harry’s Grand SlamBaseball Game – 2006 Parents’ Choice Classic Award

Squint Junior – 2006 Parents’ Choice Silver Honor Award

Wallamoppi – 2006 Parents’ Choice Recommended Award

LOVE Harry’s Grand Slam game. And oh, yeah, I’m the guy who introduced the timing factor into Wallamoppi. So you can at least partially blame me for that particular bit of evilness. Grin.


Only managed to get two cartoons done yesterday.

Which doesn’t sound too bad, until you realize that I had planned to do two cartoons, three pages of the comic book and 18 illustrations for Munchkin Impossible, and possibly a third comic strip.

Or, as I call it, a workday…

So here are a couple of preliminary Munchkin Impossible illos I did two days ago, to whet any appetites out there. (Looking at the card list, I seriously think this will be one of the best Munchkin releases yet – it rocks hard).

American Agents

Apocalypso, Assassin

British Agents

Blow Up Small Country, American Pie


Some folks enjoyed the Unspeakable Oaf that ran yesterday, and asked if they could print it out (to post on their walls, or wherever).

So here are some 300 dpi images, which should print out better.




I need a recommendation for a good floppy disc drive that will work with a System 10 Mac.

There seem to be several on the market. If anyone has any direct experience, I’d appreciate it…



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