
Been in a tremendous amount of localized pain this week.

Re-aggrivated my lower back, which spread down my left leg. Finally got in to see both an acupunturist and my doc yeterday. So I’m semi-mobile again. Still, it hurts to even walk. But I’m sick of laying on the couch.

I can sit upright for the first time in three days. More thanks to some super pills than the acupunture,which – while heavenly, worse of as soon as I stood up…

One set of pills had halucination as a possible side-effect. Unfortunately for me, no halucinations, and the pain is still there. So I lose on both accounts.

But at least I can draw again…a little bit…

Sorry for the lack of cartoons. It’s hard to draw when laying on your back with your leg in the air…

On the plus side, at least I can now relate to “8” and “9” on the pain scale from 1-10 they have in doctors offices…


PS. Vallium? Overrated.


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