Work, work, work, suffer, suffer, suffer

I am hunkered down, cranking out the work until my little fingers bleed.

The “Michael Feldman’s Whad’ya Know” crew, in the meantime, is on the 20th anniversary bus tour: Michaelpalooza.

Tour stops include:

Scenic Roanoke, VA – Saturday, June 18, 2005. Tickets on sale from the Civic Center Ticket Office, 1-888-397-3100 or online.

Scenic Harrisburg, PA – Wednesday, June 22, 2005. Tickets on sale 3/15 from the The Box or by phone at (717) 214-ARTS.

Scenic Trenton, NJ – Saturday, June 25, 2005. Tickets on sale at 800-955-5566 or Patriots Theater Box Office.

…as well as several people’s houses along the way. Apparently, the group has already had a parade thrown for them, which is something you don’t get a lot of, when you’re a cartoonist.

Anyhoo, the point of this post is that you can now follow their exploits on LiveJournal day by day at MICHAELPALOOZA


Also, more Love Journal Goodness: the brilliant Phil and Kaja Foglio are now on LJ.

Yes, they of “Girl Genius” fame.

Here’s Kaja’s LJ

Here’s Phil’s LJ

Phil is one of the all-time greats, and one of my cartooning heroes. Kaja is simply fantastic. Together, they’re heroically fantastically great. One day, we hope to sit down and create this very nifty What’s New/Dork Tower crossover mini-series. We worked out the plot over a few beers with Kaja one Origins, and I really thought it was quite spectacularly good.


Speaking of spectacular, I’m absolutely amazed at the number of people who asked “Who’s Neil Diamond?” in response to Thursday’s cartoon.

I mean, really, people (and you know who you are). This is Neil Motherf***ing Diamond here, not The Brain Jonestown Massacre or the Decemberists.

There’s probably a cartoon in there, but then OTHER people wouldn’t get it.

Back to Mr Gaiman: there’s probably also a cartoon in “Sweet Coraline.” And, like, five people would get the joke…


That said, let’s end on an even MORE obscure cartoon.

Ahhhh, the joy of Moleskin.

Now if only I had some colored pencils on hand…




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