There’s actually a photo (below) of that auspicious moment at Oddcon, when Team Blink finally got together in the same room for the first time.
From left to right, that’s Dr. Beth Jennings, a great friend and our Psychological consultant (she keeps us honest when I lapse into too much psychobabble…but more on her in a minute); me; Christopher Jones, artist extraordinaire; and Melissa Kaercher, colorist and letterist extraordinaire.
Oddcon may be thought of as one of the birthplaces of Dr. Blink: it’s where, two years ago as a Guest of Honor, I first sat in on a panel called “Humor in SF” or somesuch, thus meeting Melissa. Later that year, Melissa introduced me to her Significant Other, Chris, at CONvergence, in Minneapolis (I’ll be back there this year). Chris and I got on so famously that he foolishly quipped “let me know if you ever want to work on a project together.”
Two weeks later, I had that bout of insomnia that got me thinking about psychotic superheroes, and the rest, as they say…
So anyway, the Dr. Blink talk was a great success (heck, any time the audience outnumbers the panelists at a small con is a great success). But beyond that, there’s some really terrific news.
There’s the picture. Now, here’s the news:
Dr. Beth and her husband Scott added one more to their clan yesterday evening with the birth of Tate Raymond Jennings. Tate weighed in at a substantial 9 pounds even.
Everything went perfectly and mom and baby are happily enjoying this sunny morning together with daddy.
So congrats to Dr. Beth and Scott, and here’s to more meetings of Team Blink. We had a productive weekend but not, it appears, quite as productive (or would that be reproductive) as Dr. Beth.
Slowly…sloooooowly…I think I’m getting my editorial cartooning groove back.
These are both local topics, but I’m happy with how they look and how they turned out…
It’s taken long enough to get to this point, though…at least they’re not looking like Chez Geek characters anymore.
In other news, I’m grooving on the Decemberists and Neutral Milk Hotel.
Pigeonholing them, I’d place them somewhere between the Shins and Modest Mouse.
Just kinda wondering why they haven’t popped up on my radar until now…