Give me the nice, bright colors…

The Big Announcement ™:

Starting immediately, the Dork Tower comic book will be Full Color for the foreseeable future.

Gads, I hope this works out. I’m pretty scared about it, but also pretty excited.

The price will rise to $3.49 with issue #32 (issue #31 will be $2.99, as originally solicited), but if we get some more advertisers on board, I’m hoping to bring the price back down to $2.99.

Of course, the price has only risen from $2.95 to $2.99 in the six years I’ve been doing the comic book, so I hope folks don’t mind too much. A lot of other costs have gone up over the years, and printing several thousand copies of a comic doesn’t proffer the same Economies of Scale that the bigger boys enjoy, when they print several DOZEN thousand comics.

But I like color comics. Issue #30 (in many stores today) was a joy to work on, and I just can’t see going back to black-and-white, unless I have to.

I REALLY hope that I can afford the good paper for the Trade Paperbacks. “The Tao of Igor,” the ninth Dork Tower trade paperback, which will collect issues 30-33, will, with luck, be the first in full color. I’ve no idea on the pricing of this, yet, and it’s a long way off. “Go, Dork, Go,” the eight TPB (July), will be Black and White, like those before it.

Should my schedule ever open up, and should the financing be there, it would be fun to go back and re-release the first eight trade paperbacks in color. But that’s so far off, even the HORIZON doesn’t see it.

Anyway, here’s the announcement:

DSP 032
Dork Tower #32: “First CONtact”
First Printing
32 Pages $3.49
Full Color
ISBN 1-930964-84-6
Written, pencilled and inked by John Kovalic



HUZZAH! Dork Storm Press announced that the Dork Tower comic book will be published in full color, starting with issue #31.

“It’s a bold and stupid move,” said series creator John Kovalic. “But after experimenting with color on issue #30, it’s hard to go back. My name is John, and I’m addicted to color printing. Please help.”

It’s Igor vs. the Convention, and only one will survive! It’s Day One of Mud Con, and the best-laid plans of Con chairman Igor have to survive their first contact with reality. Say…what’s Guest of Honor Wil Wheaton doing swinging from the light fixtures with a bottle of Jim Beam in his hand? PLUS: “Dr. Blink: Superhero Shrink” by John Kovalic and Christopher Jones, and “Lethargic Lad” by Greg Hyland. NOW IN FULL COLOR!

John Kovalic is the multi-award winning creator of Dork Tower, as well as the artist behind the million-selling Apples to Apples party game, the Munchkin card game phenomena, and many other pieces that have entertained millions.


New Hitchhikers Guide trailer.

I’m quietly optimistic…

I met Douglas Adams once, when I worked at the Forbidden Planet, in London. They just had the one shop, then. On Denmark Street.

I also talked much shop with Brian Bolland, while there. He was complaining that people called him a cartoonist. I was complaining that people called me an artist.

Ahhhhhh, GOOD times…


So THIS is why my friend Sonia likes me:

You are Ash, from the “Evil Dead”
trilogy. My hero.

Which Horror Movie Character Are You? (Many Options)
brought to you by Quizilla

Peas, out,




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