…and so do a lot of OTHER teams out there…including, on any given Sunday, EVERYBODY in the NFC North, where the race is not to see who wins, but who loses least.
As the American Football season winds down, so, too does the Pro Football Pick’Em pool for the Mud Bay Muskrats.
With two weeks left to play, my Slackers a point away from second place, and six points away from first place.
Not bad, considering I spaced and forgot two week’s worth of picks, entirely. I don’t consider myself in third place at the moment. I consider myself in LAST place, since three other teams dropped out at various points in the season…so I’m fighting for pride, now. To actually place, even though I missed them two weeks.
NFL Week 15 may be my best so far. Of the 15 games played, I chose 14 correctly, missing only the Tampa Bay/New Orleans game. Though I love the City of new Orleans, I friggin’ HATE the New Orleans Saints anymore. You can NOT pick them with any degree of certainty. Which team will show up? Who bleedin’ knows?
People of Louisiana, I feel your pain.
I’m just happy I picked all four upset games (including *sniff* the Packers). And assuming New England pastes the hapless Dolphins tonight, I could be 15 of 16 for the week, which would shatter my week 11 record of 14 for 16.
I’ve been 50% with my picks twice, in week 9 (7 of 14) and week 13 (8 of 16).
Since that first showing of mediocrity, though, I’ve gone 12/14, 14/16, 12/16, 8/16 (urgh), 13/16 and now 14 (and possibly 15)/16.
Bottom line: I gained three points against the WingNuts, and FOUR points against the Mad Lab Rabbits! Go Slackers! Woooo!
Last Week’s Picks:
Pittsburgh v NEW YORK (NYG)
Pit 33, NYG 30
Washington v SAN FRANCISCO
Was 26, SF 16
ATLANTA v Carolina
Atl 34, Car 31
Phi 12, Dal 7
CHICAGO v Houston
Hou 24, Chi 5
Buf 33, Cin 17
SD 21, Cle 0
Minnesota v DETROIT
Min 28, Det 27
KC 45, Den 17
NEW YORK (NYJ) v Seattle
NYJ 37, Sea 14
St. Louis v ARIZONA
Ari 31, StL 7
TAMPA BAY v New Orleans
NO 21, TB 17
GREEN BAY v Jacksonville
Jac 28, GB 25
OAKLAND v Tennessee
Oak 40, Ten 35
Ind 20, Bal 10
New England v MIAMI
Mon, Dec 20 at 8:00 pm
Like poker, if this was for real money, I’d choke, and it wouldn’t be NEARLY as much fun.
I’ll make sure to post an announcement here next year, when Football season rolls ’round again, because frankly, this is fun. And the more, the merrier!
Now I must be off, to come up with an “I’m 14 of 15” dance of joy…
Carson Cookie Cutters!
Well, actually. Sewing Machine Cookie Cutters.
But as demonstrated by a member of the army of Dorkness (Kris, I think, though I could be wrong) at Dorkstock a couple of years ago, they make VERY spiffy Carson The Muskrat Cookie Cutters.
And you can get them HERE!
Just for yuks, I’m finishing the Dork Tower #30 pages off in color. To be later converted to greyscale.
This was a really, really, REALLY bad idea.
Because now I want to print the BOOK in color.
Really, REALLY wanna.
Anyone have an extra $2,000 they wanna donate to the cause?
I seriously am LOVING working on the main story for this issue. Moving the focus back to Igor for a while has just been a blast. With luck, the comic goes to press early next week. Huzzah!
One of the funniest Christmas Cartoons I’ve ever seen (tho in a dark, dark way) can be found over at Shannon Wheeler’s LiveJournal
And, of course, Robin Laws’ The Birds
Spiffy new ad for Dork Side of the Goon is now up on the web site. Today’s ‘toon should be there shortly, too.
<lj-cut text="Woooo! And ad! Woooooooo!"
The book shipped from the printer last week!
I just saw my horoscope in the very amusing RPG Astrology column at Pelgrane Press.
Being born November 24, my sign is…Dork!
Dork 23 November – 21 December
Born in the depths of winter and with Saturn, the planet of discipline and restraint, in your house of public life it’s no wonder you don’t get out much. In fact, it’s just as well as everyone hates you. So indulge yourself this month. Buy a packet of Rich Tea from the Co-op on your way home from the laundrette on the 16th. Lucky gem dice color for this month: pale blue, then at least you’ll have one thing that looks cool.
Yup. There MUST be something to this…
Stupid cold in Wisconsin.
I’m just sayin’, is all…
Peas, out,