The Day After

I will just mention what I’m glad about, and then I will get back to work.


In the background:

I’m glad I have too much work to do today, so I can’t think about the election too much.

I’m glad I tried to help with a few things this election, and not just draw editorial cartoons about them.

I’m glad I kept, and will continue to keep, partisan politics out of Dork Tower: people go to that for a break from the real world.

I’m glad I can give some people a break from the real world.


In the foreground

I’m glad I was standing, out on that cold, dark, lonely street, holding Baldwin and Kerry signs, trying to pump up the troops yesterday.

VERY glad.

I’m glad Judith came and stood with me.

I’m glad only two people gave me the finger, one in a BMW, the other a tricked-Lexus.

I’m glad one person said he voted for Russ Feingold and Tammy Baldwin, because of me standing there.

I’m glad MANY people came by and thanked us for standing out on that streetcorner, holding Baldwin and Kerry signs.

I’m glad — very, VERY glad — that so many more drivers passing us by honked and gave us huge thumbs up.

I’m glad — no, I’m PROUD — that Wisconsin did its part, and went with Kerry.

I’m glad I helped a little.

I’m glad I stood on that street, with the signs.

I’m glad I gave money to candidates of my choice, for the first time in my life.

I’m glad to say that Tammy Baldwin is the first politician I ever gave money to.

I’m glad Baldwin won handsomely. I’m glad Russ Feingold won. I’m privileged to be able to call them my Congresswoman and Senator, respectively.

I’m VERY glad I did something, because if I hadn’t done anything, it would be harder to live with myself right now, given the election results.

Much, much harder.

I did something. I’m shocked – I’m not normally the sort of person who likes to do thing like this. I’m a “hide-behind-a-drawing-table” kind of person.

But I did something.

I could have done more – a LOT more – but it’s a start.

I need to do more.

I’m an incredibly lucky person. I’ve been blessed and given a tremendous amount in this life.

Life seems (to me, anyway) to be about family, friends and (this next bit is important) trying to help those less fortunate than yourself.

I need to do more.

I will do more.

The election is over.

It’s time to get to work.

In more ways than one.


Who’s with me?



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