My Origins Schedule

First off, THANK YOU to everyone for understanding the GenCon dilema. I knew that was both the choice I wanted to and had to make…but your support really makes living with it easier.

Now…speaking of big cons…

Well, this looks like what I’m gonna be doing at Origins, Friday and Saturday.

No signing times are set, but right now it appears as if I’ll be able to do a signing at the Dork Storm Booth around 2 pm on Friday, and, say, 11 am Saturday, or thereabouts. I’m sure we’ll put up signs or something once that’s figured out.

I’ll have a ton of business meeetings I’ll have to schedule around these, as well…

Oh, well. I’m kinda USED to not actually gaming at gaming cons anymore. 🙂


Fri 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. – Guest Appearance at the Art Show [“Art & the Artist” Program] – spend a pleasant hour talking with visitors to the Origins Art Show. (Translation: watch John around people who really CAN draw…)

Fri: 12-1:30 – “Hall of Fame Presentation” [“30th Anniversary” event] – a moderated session where you and the host will discuss whatever issues come to mind and field questions from the audience. (Translation: If this is a panel, it’ll be cool. If not, I’ll use this as my “:What’s New With Dork Tower” time…)

Fri 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. – “Gaming Gurus Pick the Goods” (The gaming gurus are Peter Adkison, Johathan Tweet, Robin Laws and others, I believe. Then they invited a cartoonist. This’ll be our opinions of new stuff garnered from the retailer floor).

Fri 8:00 – 11:00 p.m. – The Origins Awards and Hall of Fame Honors [“30th Anniversary” event] – prepare to be recognized again for your lifetime of achievement in the game industry. (No translation needed).


Sat 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. – Guest Appearance at the Art Show [“Art & the Artist” Program] – spend a pleasant hour talking with visitors to the Origins Art Show. (As above)

Sat 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. – Hall of Fame Banquet [“30th Anniversary” event] – a limited-seating event that allows some of our attendees to share a meal with our guests and to talk informally about “life, the universe, and everything.” (Yeah…I have NO idea what this is about at all…)

Sat 9:00 – 10:30 p.m. – “The Art of Gaming” [“Art & the Artist” program] – Great art can sell a mediocre game, and poor art can doom a good one. Our panel of artists and art directors reviews the artistic criteria that help
to make or break a game’s potential in the marketplace.



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