The music is weaving/Haunting notes, pizzicato…

It’s still a couple of weeks away, but the lovely and talented Judith and I are getting ready for the next stop on the Dork Tour 2004 – Vienna’s Fantasy Gaming Convention, on April 4!

This means I’ll be rather busy during the next fortnight, so I fear that the online strip will be Tuesday/Thursday only. On the plus side, I think I’ve got some really good material (or at least stuff I think isn’t too bad), so I hope people enjoy it.

So anyhoo, the Con T-shirt is done (and at the end of this Rambling), and I hear my hosts are VERY happy with it, which makes me happy.

If any Dork Tower completests out there (and you know who you are, Mom!) want a copy, I’d suggest e-mailing Harry over at Planet Harry, a really cool Viennese gaming store.

After Vienna, it’ll be a quick train journey to Prague, and then back to London to visit family.

Speaking of which, does anyone know any neat places to stay in Prague in early April? Yes, I think I’m officially the LAST Westerner who’ll visit there…actually, for that matter, anyone know of any gaming companies in Prague? Now that Dork Tower’s being translated into Russian, I might as well see if anyone’s interested in translating it into the language of my grandparents…

In the meantime, here’s that convention T-shirt design I came up with:

John (happy to be home)


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