Dorkstock's almost here!

First, a brief note.

SnapDragons #1 just got its first pro review, and they like us! They really like us!

Sorry. I’ll stop chanelling Sally Fields now…

I love phrases like “I can’t recommend this one highly enough.” Liz and I will be celebrating later. Tonight AND at Dorkstock. Grin.

Anyhoo, from Comic Book Resources (

SNAPDRAGONS is the new comics from John Kovalic and Liz Rathke. This is a charming addition to the Dork Storm lineup. It’s the all-ages story of kids who play games and live life. It’s like crossing AMELIA RULES with DORK TOWER. The kids are just as easy to love. The first issue contains a great slapstick story in the vein of a classic Warner Bros. cartoon, as Jody feigns illness to spend the day at home to play with the new videogame system. Her near-perfect plan falls apart, however, in spectacular fashion.

Rathke’s art is dynamic, filled with energy and life. The characters don’t look like they were copied from anyone else’s model sheet. This is just a fun book for all ages. I can’t recommend this one highly enough. The second issue is due out later this month.

Augie De Blieck Jr.
Staff Writer, CBR”

Now, onto DORKSTOCK (this Saturday and Sunday!)

Wowie! Zowie! We got Guests of Honor!

Guess who’s coming to Dorkstock?

GREG HYLAND (Lethargic Lad) (Saturday and Sunday) All the way from Toronto!

LIZ RATHKE (SnapDragons) (Sunday) All the way from Madison, WI!

Dorkstock REALLY feels like a convention now! Come on down and meet some REALLY fabulously talented cartoonists! And I’ll be there, too. 🙂

The Dorkstock program is now ONLINE!

You can download it at Plus it’s at the end of this message. And keep checking coordinator Lori’s web page for other last-minute updates!

Dorkstock T-shirts, sweatshirts and posters are now available at

(I’ll have 30 or so SPECIAL shirts with me at Dorkstock, TYE-DYED and printed up nicely. E-mail me if you’d like one reserved…)

Rock Con – Rockford, IL.

SATURDAY – October 12

Two- Day Event
Dork Trivia Contest Prize

10 AM
Blink vs. John Kovalic – 5 minutes
Star Munchkin – Prize

11 AM
Blink vs. John Kovalic – 5 minutes
Apples to Apples Tournament

Blink vs. John Kovalic – 5 minutes
Munchkin [12:05] Prize
Dork Tower ZOMBIES!!!

1 PM
Blink vs. John Kovalic – 5 minutes
Live Action Dork Tower Readings

2 PM
Blink vs. John Kovalic – 5 minutes
Chez Dork North American Championship Prize

3 PM
Blink vs. John Kovalic – 5 minutes

4 PM
Blink vs. John Kovalic – 5 minutes
Chez Geek – Prize
Costume Contest – [4:05] Prize

5 PM
Blink vs. John Kovalic – 5 minutes
Trivia Contest forms due

Dork Tower Dinner at Beef A Roo

SUNDAY – October 13

All Day Event
Munchkin Miniatures Painting Contest. Bring painted minis.
Register your minis with Lori. Prize.

10 AM
Blink vs. John Kovalic – 5 minutes
Star Munchkin – [10:05] Prize

11 AM
Blink vs. John Kovalic – 5 minutes
Igor Bar Bake-Off judging

Blink vs. John Kovalic – 5 minutes
Munchkins in a Blender – Prize
Out of the Box Medley – Quitch, Gold Rush, Shipwreck and Switch [12:05]

1 PM
Blink vs. John Kovalic – 5 minutes
Dork Trivia Finals

2 PM
Blink vs. John Kovalic – 5 minutes
First Ever Chez Greek Tournament (Barbarian) Prize
Munchkin Miniatures Winner announcement

3 PM Blink vs. John Kovalic Final (Frances) 5 minutes

(Note all “Blink vs. John Kovalic” slots are one opponent only…)

And of course there are TONS of other cool events going on at Rock Con itself! Once you’ve paid to get into Rock Con, ALL the Rock Con and Dorkstock gaming events are free!

Rock-Con 2002 Game Fair is the Midwest’s premier regional gaming convention. Last year’s convention was a resounding success. Response for this year’s convention has already started and will make Rock-Con 2002 an even bigger success. The convention features historical and fantasy miniature gaming, CCG’s, live action gaming, role playing and board gaming events covering the entire spectrum of adventure gaming.

As always, a MILLION thanks to the Dorkstock committee!

(Running around like a chicken with its head cut off…)


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