Well, let's see if this thing works…

It’s a few minutes to midnight, and my fingers are crossed.

Webmistress Wendy, Dork Tower’s net goddess, has finally pulled the Dork Tower site out of the mid-1990s, which is the point I got to in web design sk1llz before the cartooning started taking up too much of my time. Feedback (click the cool button to the upper left) has been fabulous. I had no idea the old site was so difficult to navigate.

In a minute or two, we’ll see if this message and today’s cartoon upload the way they’re supposed to.

My next Muskrat Ramblings will be a lot more interesting, I promise.

Right now, though, I’m nervous. I feel like I’m learning to drive a stick-shift sports car after years of travelling around in a beat-up van with automatic transition.

There’s so much I want to rave about right now. There’s Dork Tower #16, back from press; Dork Tower #17, off to press soon; lots more sections to be updated at dorktower.com; the launch of kovalic.com (a whole new site with all of my NON-Dork Tower cartoons; and lots more fun news.

But I’ll get to that later.

Right now, it’s time to get back to the driving lessons.

With luck, no-one will get hurt…

– John (john@kovalic.com)


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