WI) February 19 —
LAD finally returns in his own comic book this summer, with
a jam-packed Jumbo-Sized Annual hitting stores in June!
The world¹s most lethargic hero, doing all kind of lethargic
things to save the world, also launches the new Dork Storm
Press imprint, Dork Storm Special.

nice to be with a publisher that I don’t have to pretend
to like,” said Greg Hyland creator of Lethargic Lad. “Working
with Dork Storm has been great, and I’m really happy to
be included in a group that already creates such great humor

Lethargic Lad Jumbo-Sized Annual #1 will collect cartoons
from www.lethargiclad.com,
as well new material. For a 300 dpi version of the cover,
click the image to the right, or CLICK

Lad has been and will continue running as a back up in Dork
Tower while in a reversal of roles, Dork Tower will also
become a backup feature in the Lethargic Lad Jumbo-Sized
Annual #1, with a brand-new story as Matt, Igor and the
gang tackle superhero role-playing games.

it¹s launch in 1991, Lethargic Lad has seen press in numerous
mini and ongoing series, as well as a sell-out trade paperback,
“The Big Book of Lethargic Lad.” At its height, the Lethargic
Lad comic book had a circulation of 7,000.

In keeping
with Dork Storm’s other gaming-themed comics, the Lethargic
Lad Jumbo-Sized Annual will contain rules for bringing Lethargic
Lad and the Lethargiverse to life with “Stuporpowers,” Wingnut
Games’ wacky superhero RPG.

been a huge fan of Lethargic Lad from the moment I discovered
it,” noted Dork Storm Special publisher John Kovalic. “Lethargic
Lad is the most fun you can have in a superhero comic, and
was a huge influence when I started Dork Tower. I’m tremendously
excited to help drag Greg back to print, where he belongs.
And who knows where this might lead?”

Lad Jumbo-Sized Annual #1
DSS 1001 56 Pages B/W $3.99
ISBN 1-930964-45-5
Written, pencilled and inked by Greg Hyland
Cover by Greg Hyland
Release Date June 7, 2002

the amazing Lad-Mite! GASP at the secret origins of Lethargic
Lad, Lethargic Lad’s Pal Jeremy Olson and Jerry’s Kids!
SHUDDER at the power of Giant Letrhargo and DEVELOP A NERVOUS
TICK at the evil of the all-new Legion of Super Bad Guys!
It’s more than a year’s worth of Lethargy, all in one book,
and launches the new DORK STORM SPECIAL imprint from Dork
Storm Press!


there hasn’t been a new Dork Tower comic strip up in a couple
of days. I’ve got a lot of great material on hand, including
some more Lord of the Rings strips. But what with the weird
weather in Wisconsin (it was 50 degrees Fahrenheit yesterday),
there must something sprouting or sporing or being summoned
or whatever, since my allergies have hit with a vengeance.
I’ve been doing squat for work, but there will be new comics
up tomorrow.

will also be a big Dork Storm Press announcement
tomorrow. And a second big announcement follows next week.

In the
meantime, Dork Tower #16 should be in shops soon.
It looks amazing — far better than I could have hoped for.
It’s another 40-page issue. Lethargic Lad, Artesia,
PvP and Nodwick all are fantastic, and really
make #16 something special. AND there are more Lord of the
Rings cartoons in it.

It also
marks a kind of a return to the basics for me. For
a few issues, I’ll be doing shorter stories just for the
fun of it. The basic Matt/Gilly/Kayleigh story arc will
still be there, but I’ll be tackling it from a series of
short pieces instead of three-issue 60-page storylines.
And it looks like issues 17, 18 and 19 will all have to
be 48-pages long. Glee!

I just sent the solicitation information for Dork Tower
#19 to Diamond. But I just had to post the cover here. I’m
VERY happy with it, and I think this is really going to
be an issue people enjoy.

“The Junk Food Issue”
DSP 019
48 Pages B/W $2.99
ISBN 1-930964-10-2
Written, penciled and inked by John Kovalic
Cover by John Kovalic Release Date June 7, 2002

the return of Iron Chef Snackfood! What happens when you
let Fanboys and Goth Girls into the kitchen? Watch out as
Igor attempts to create the PERFECT gaming treat — Igor
Bars! It’s an entire issue devoted to the junk foods that
drive fandom, from convention corndogs to high-powered caffeine-packed
pop cocktails. PLUS, some of the favorite names in gaming
and comics contribute to a special Dork Tower pullout cookbook!
What’s Gary Gygax’s favorite munchies? How about Shannon
Wheeler’s favorite coffee recipe? What does evil Steve Jackson
get up to when left alone in a kitchen? How about James
Ernest, of Cheapass Games, or New York Times best-selling
fantasy author Margaret Weis? And how DO you make the legendary
Igor Bars? Plus a free game that LETS you play with your
food, “GummiHamster 40K” from Placebo Press, which even
non-gamers will love! And there’s even MORE hilarity from
the usual Dork Tower backup features: Greg Hyland’s Lethargic
Lad, Aaron Williams’ Nodwick and Scott Kurtz’s PvP! Another
issue filled to the brim! HUZZAH!

are a LOT more people contributing to the cookbook, by the

GummiHamster 40L is a riot!

run now.I need to seek out more tissues.



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