Matthew Sweet and other things

First off, my wife, the lovely and talented Judith, and I had a fabulous time at the Matthew Sweet concert. It was a bit shaky here and there, but overall it was a blast. Surprisingly, most of the songs seemed to come from his early-90s album, "Altered Beast." But that’s an AWFULLY good album, so we didn’t mind.

Secondly, I hope folks are noticing MAXWELL’S T-SHIRTCART. It kind of snuck its way onto the new site unnanounced. It’s not actually part of the DORKSTORE, but it’s a place where I’ll experiment with some T-shirt designs before putting them into mass production. It’s also a place where you can get mugs and mousepads.

Currently, there are seven designs up. I hope you find something you like. Because, frankly,that’s what keeps the kitties in kibble.

Here are some of the styles currently at Maxwell’s Cart.And yes, I *am* very sorry about them. 🙂




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