
NEWSFLASH! In just about six weeks, DORK COVENANT: The Collected Dork Tower Vol. I will be translated and published in Germany as DIE WELT DER DUMMHEIT (rough translation: "World of Dorkness") by Feder Und Schwert, German publishers of White Wolf material.

Absolutely everything I’ve heard about Feder Und Schwert has been fantastic, and I’m very excited to be working with them.

This is also good news for German fans of Dork Tower, since I’m talking with the fine folks at Feder Und Schwert about importing the full line of Dork Storm Press comics, games and T-shirts, making everything much more available there. Also, Feder Und Schwert will be publishing future Dork Tower compilations!

This means that I’ll also be at Essen Game Show in the fall of 2001. at the Feder Und Schwert booths.

More details to come once the full press release is done.

In the meantime, enjoy the sneak peek at the German cover!



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