HUZZAH, and Happy New Year!

Another New Year’s resolution this year was to get outdoors more. Today was the first glorious day of the winter: crisp, clear and survivably non-arctic. So the lovely and talented Judith and I set out to Governor Nelson State Park, for a bit of cross-country skiing.

This is the first I’ve skied in two years — last year at this time, and all through until Spring, we were biking. To say I was rusty was an understatement. In a stretch consisting of three hills in two miles, I fell four times…once smashing my tail bone right onto the backs of my skis.

Disastrous? No.Painful? Minimally. Embarrassing? Definitely.

Not being too bright, I try again tomorrow. In the meantime, I’ve pulled out some comfy cushions…very, VERY comfy cushions.



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