Games, Games, Games…

In an effort to relax after two months of nerve-shredding travel, I’m trying to get back to my gaming roots. Picked up Heroscape, a rather nifty, easy-play minis game from Hasbro with tons of cool figs and a really satisfying combat system. (When I have time, I’ll post the Dork Tower stats and templates that […]

ALL HAIL KING …uh. know…

Home again. **** Kobolds Ate My Baby ships to distributors TODAY! (It would have shipped yesterday, but, uh, we forgot to tell them where to ship it to). We made it in time for the holidays! Woo-hoooo! Run, don’t walk, and see the glorious full-page review KOBOLDS got in the latest Game Trade Magazine. Or […]

Tuesday Morning, 9 a.m.

In Moscow now. It’s cold, but not, you know, COLD. Spent about 20 hours travelling to get here. The low point was the transatlantic Swiss Air A 330, with seats designed, apparently, for the cast of “it’s a small world.” Today is our Air Siberia flight to Chelyabinsk. We’ll see how that compares. Moscow is […]

Out for a week

There’s an emergency, and I have to go to Russia next week. (Wow, does it sound cool, even being able to say that…) I can’t say why. I was only given four days’ notice. A couple of LJ friends know. But the reason I’m off is not for public consumption just yet. So I’d ask […]


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