TOUR DE DUCK 2015: Duckupdate!

For various reasons, July was busy as hell. Unfortunately, that put me behind in training for the Insane Charity Bike Ride 2015. It also put me a month and a half behind plugging and hyping it. It’s approximately six weeks until the ride…and I’ve lost six weeks of training. I’m trying to catch up now, but […]

Here we go again.

Comics are up again. Once more, for emphasis: COMICS ARE UP, AGAIN! There’s a longer post, somewhere, going into the explanation behind the half-year Dork Tower semi-hiatus. Long story short: Life Happened. So a series about Gilly’s Wedding that was supposed to take four to six weeks ended up spread over six months. I’m gonna ramble a bit here. OK. […]

Maor Inktober! Plus: Munchkin Postcards!

Maor Inktober! Plus: Munchkin Postcards! What would a pumpkin drink? Early-morning warm-up sketch!   Daughter, Age 5, loves drawing with me, early in the mornings. I find this Daddy/Daughter Drawing Time one of the most delightful times of my day. Here’s what she drew, this morning, at the same time, by my side – Obi-Wan and Anakin on Tatooine:  In […]

IT’S BIKE TIME! Gaiman, Rothfuss, et al helping out beyond words!

The Last Insane Charity Bike Ride Update: Tour De Duck 2014 – IT’S BIKE TIME! OK, guys – with four days to go until my 60-mile charity bike ride, we blew past $10,000 raised! This is, to put it bluntly, stupefying. And there’s still time for you to make a donation/pledge! The Bike the Barns ride raises critical […]

Some Sketchy Editing

Insane Charity Bike Ride UPDATE 3! HOLY CATS, you guys! We passed $6,500 raised for the Fair Share Coalition, helping bring CSA foods to local low-income households! Because of this, I’ve added another goodie to the INSANE SADDLE-BAG OF HOLDING! Right now, anybody who pledges to my Insane Charity Bike Ride will get pdfs of: WILD […]

Insane Charity Bike Ride update! TIME TO PANIC!

Insane Charity Bike Ride UPDATE 2! HEY, Muskrat-Boy, what’s the deal with those fine postcards? And what’s going on with that Insane Charity Bike Ride of yours? I’m so glad you asked! With two-and-a-half weeks to go until the Bike the Barns ride (eek! eek! eek!), we blew past the original goal of $5,000 raised! However, overall […]

A Signed, Limited Edition MUNCHKIN POSTCARD…for Charity!

ONE GOOD DEED…for CHARITY! GUYS! The ONE GOOD DEED Munchkin postcards are at press! They come with a very special, Steve Jackson-sanctioned and official rule: Start a game of Munchkin at Level 3! How do yo get one? Simply by pledging $15* or more (please pledge more, if you can) to my upcoming Insane Charity Bike Ride!  […]


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