San Diego Comicon

Life’s insanely busy here, as I prepare for the San Diego Comicon next Wednesday. In case anyone’s interested, I’m going to be on a Comicon panel Sunday, July 22, from 1:30-3 p.m.. It’s on Indy creators working for publishers, and I hope not to blather too much like an idiot. Also, as far as huge […]

Yes…it's me, at last weekend's Origins con…

Yes…it’s me, at last weekend’s Origins convention, in the unfamiliar position of posing with an award I’ve won. We took the Origins Award for “Best Game-Related Short Fiction with “Matt and Gilly’s Big Date” from Dork Tower #11 and now collected in the brand-spanking new DORK SHADOWS: The Collected Dork Tower Vol. II. Or you […]

I'm sitting here delirious…

I’m sitting here delirious, having gotten an hour and a half of sleep last night in Toronto, at the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists’ annual convention. It was a blast. Brash, blustery, bawdy tales will follow. But that’s not why I’m happy right now. I’m happy because I’m sitting here holding a copy of Dork […]


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